My name is Douglas E. Nevill. I am the author/developer of The eKJV. The translation known as the King James Version or the Authorized Version is in the public domain.
You may download the complete King James Version that I created as a compressed zip file (Just .268 MB) from here:
To run this HTML project, simply unzip it, find the index.html file and open it!
Alternatively, you may save the Home.html file to the homescreen of your device and simply tap on it to open the program.
I hand-coded this project in simple HTML using Notepad.
You may open a complete, simple text file of the King James Version (4.37 MB) here: bible.txt
You may download the King James Version that I used to create this project as a compressed zip file (Just 1.27mb) from here:
The eKJV is offered freely by download only directly from
Copying this resource and editing it for the purpose of redistribution is theft and is forbidden unless you receive prior, written permission.
If you want to edit and/or redistribute the eKJV (this resource) yourself, you MUST receive written permission from me. Contact Me.
The eKJV
Douglas E. Nevill, Sr.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Our FAQS or "Question and Answers" page is published at our website. This requires an internet connection.
See Q&A Now.
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Tap on the button below. This requires an internet connection.
The eKJV
Douglas E. Nevill, Sr.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Vist the website to see the current version and what we are working on for future releases.
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© Douglas E. Nevill
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