Become a Sponsor

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Donate or Sponsor?

What is the difference between a website sponsorship and simply making a donation?

  • Website Sponsors are listed on this website and receive these included benefits.
  • eKJV Donors simply make anonymous donations, so unless you want to be listed on this website, visit the Donate Page instead of completing the form below.

Complete the Form Below, Please

  • Note: fields marked with a red * asterisk are required.

Step 1 - Your Contact Information
Step 2 - Content to Publish for Your Listing and Page
  • If you want me to link your image (logo, photo) to your website and make other links to your website, you MUST complete the filed below.
  • I cannot make a link for you if you do not provide the URL.






Sponors' Benefits Include

  1. Listing on this page, in order of date sponsorship received.
  2. Scrolling logo / image at bottom of all pages on this website.
  3. Listing and logo both link to a full page article for your business or organization, which has links to your own website.
  4. Your sponsorship listing stays active until you request that we remove it.  (Of course, your links will not work unless your website remains live on the world wide web.)

Requirements for Becoming a Sponsor

  1. Complete the form above.
  2. Make a donation of at least $100.

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The eKJV is a website that provides an easy to use King James Version Bible tool online with both a simple and advanced search function as well as a free (and always Ad Free), downloadable KJV in plain HTML that you may read offline with any computer or mobile device.