Website Services for the Glory of God

Website Services for the Glory of God
Doxa Theos is Website Services for the Glory of God. We believe ...
Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever.
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Get Website Services from People Who Understand YOU as well as Your Needs
We worship, adore and serve God the Creator and Jesus Christ, God's Son the Redeemer. We know "where you're coming from."
First Quality Services, Sanctified
You won't be required to sacrifice quality in service or support. We invest in the best for the Master.
We provide secure, business class hosting and manage our own servers at AWS.
Continual Internet Services Since 1998
We got our start in the early days of the internet and have grown and developed our services with it. We've got the experience.
Our Website Builder and Content Management System (CMS)
We have developed our own platform which is unique.
- It uses themes rather than templates, so there are no limitations to what you can do as far as layout or styles are concerned.
- All utilities and plugins have been developed by us, so we are not vulnerable to hacks. We manage all of our own source code.
- It is powerful while being intuitive. It is super-easy to use!
Sign Up for Your FREE Account
- There is no cost to get an account and try out the builder.
- We don't ask for your credit card.
Get a Free Phone Consult
- Call us at 360-565-8312 and let us help you. No charge.